
Bill that regulates activity of day workers passed in first reading


The unqualified, occasional activities done by day workers will be regulated by law. The MPs adopted in the first reading a bill whose goal is to reduce undocumented labor in agriculture, to legalize temporary labor relations of day workers, to regulate the activity of day workers and to make sure employers fulfill their obligations towards day workers, IPN reports.

Under the bill, the daily work done by a day worker cannot exceed eight hours, for persons aged 15 and 16 five hours and for those aged between 16 and 18 seven hours. The weekly working hours should not exceed 40 hours. Also, a day worker can work for at most 90 days during a calendar year for one beneficiary.

Anastasia Ocheretnyi, secretary of state at the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Protection, said in Parliament that the remuneration to day workers should be paid by beneficiaries at the end of each working day, in accordance with the agreement between the beneficiary and day worker. The remuneration per hour should not be lower than the minimum guaranteed salary per hour in the real sector set by the Government.

Under the legislative initiative, the income tax on the work done by the day worker will be paid by the employer in accordance with the current legislation. State social insurance and mandatory health insurance contributions are not taken away from the incomes earned from unqualified work. But the day worker is obliged to integrate into the public mandatory social insurance system based on an individual contract signed with the National House of Social Insurance and into the mandatory health insurance system.

According to the authors of the bill, 30% of the active people of the country do occasional work and 70% of these work in agriculture.