
Best demographic indicator is recorded in Chisinau


The best demographic situation during the past two years was witnessed in the municipality of Chisinau, while the worst one in Donduseni and Soldanesti districts. In general, a relative improvement in the Demographic Security Index was seen in over half of the country’s districts in the period, but there is a wide discrepancy between districts.

The results were obtained by the Demographic Research Center in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection and UNFPA, which launched the “Demographic Security Integrated Territorial Index: dynamics for 2014-2016”, IPN reports.

Anastasia Ocheretnyi, secretary of state at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, in the event to present the data, said it is good that many of the national development plans and strategies include now a chapter dedicated to demography tendencies.

UNFPA Representative in Moldova Rita Columbia said the Demographic Security Index will help policy authors to better understand the demographic context of each district apart and to work out policies based on evidence so as to meet the demographic challenges of the country.

In the demographic field in 2016, the Demographic Index varied from one district to another from 67.5 to 37.2, determined mainly by the natural growth and migration rather than by the number of births as the total fertility rate remained unchanged.

In health, the Index oscillated between 66.2 and 45.3, the difference between the highest and lowest values being the lowest compared with other analyzed aspects. This means that the state of the population’s health remained practically at the same level in all the districts. The health situation in 18 districts improved slightly, but remained unsatisfactory yet.

In the occupational sphere, the limits varied between 53.6 and 24.2, which means that only half or the fourth part of the work potential was used. In 2016, there were created only about 50,000 new jobs, by 43% fewer than in 2014. The situation remained stable in Chisinau municipality only. This accounted for 53% of the new jobs created in 2016.