
BCC penalizes TV channel, will monitor another 13


A TV channel was fined the highest amount possible because it didn’t present the own responsibility statement to ensure ownership transparency. In its December 3 meeting, the Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) ascertained that most of the radio stations violate the advertisement broadcasting rules, IPN reports.

The BCC penalized CS “Vanzari Inteligente” S.R.L., which founded the Fishing & Hunting Premium Channel and gave the company 72 hours to submit the statement.

The members of the Council also examined the report on the monitoring of radio stations, which were supervised to see how they obey the general conception of program services and conditions of broadcasting advertisements. The monitoring results showed that most of the radio stations commit related irregularities.

The BCC also decided to monitor the program services of the TV channels Moldova-1, Prime, Publika TV, Canal 3, Canal 2, N 4, TV 7, PRO TV CHISINAU, Jurnal TV, Accent TV, Euro TV, RTR Moldova and Ren Moldova so as to see how they observe the decisions concerning the access of persons with hearing impairments to TV programs and the recommendation to correctly use the official names of villages and towns in the broadcasting programs, and how they obey the conditions of broadcasting advertisements, commercials and teleshopping during five days each.