Ballots found hidden in basement of Rascani district head’s office
A number of 1,000 ballots that hadn’t been used in the 2007 elections were discovered in the basement of the Rascani district head’s office. At a news conference on Friday, the vice president of the Liberal Party (PL) Dorin Chirtoaca said that the given ballots do not have signs showing that they belong to a certain electoral office, do not have the stamp “annulled” on them or any other marks that showing that they are in reserve.
“This proof that the elections might have been rigged was found by accident, but there will be discovered new proofs showing that the Communists lie,” said the Mayor of Chisinau, who suspended his activity for the period of the election campaign.
Under the legislation, after elections the unsuited ballots are kept in the conditions stipulated by the law.
Dorin Chirtoaca said that in 2007 the Rascani district was headed by Reghina Apostolova, who is a representative of the Communists. The Rascani court declared it admits the fact that the ballots were found in a joint basement of the district head’s office and the court.
“How many other violations have the Communists committed and are yet to be discovered? Anyway, the people will find out about the crimes committed by the Communists - if not our generation, then the future generation for sure,” he said.
“The PL is indignant at the frauds, lies and crimes to which the Communists resort to keep the power and demands that the law enforcement bodies hold accountable the persons to blame in this case,” the party says in a communiqué.