
Baleca dismissed, Cojocaru named acting director


The director of the bakery complex SA Franzeluta was discharged for the second time. A decision to this effect was taken in the July 4 meeting of the company’s Board. The Board’s chairman Stefan Chitoroaga has told Info-Prim Neo that the meeting was attended by six of the seven members of the Board and four of those attending voted in favor of dismissing Eugen Baleca. According to Stefan Chitoroaga, Eugen Baleca complied with the decision and handed over the stamp, keys and documents after the meeting. Victor Cojocaru will serve as acting director. Most probably, a contest to fill the vacant post of director will be announced at the next meeting. Contacted by the Agency, Eugen Baleca refused to make statements. He argued he lost confidence in the mass media as his previous statements were truncated. The Board of SA Franzeluta fired Eugen Baleca on June 21 after the Anticorruption Center had identified irregularities at the company, by which damage of over 24 million lei was caused to the state. Eugen Baleca challenged the decision in court and the Botanica district court reinstated him in his post. On June 30, Eugen Baleca went to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and informed that he will obey the decision under which he was dismissed as he does not want the company’s activity to be affected by the created situation.