
Baccalaureate session starts June 5


The twelfth graders who speak other languages than Romanian on June 5 sit the first Baccalaureate exam. A number of 2 925 candidates are expected at Baccalaureate centers to take the exam in the Romanian language and literature. The exam starts at 9am and lasts for three astronomic hours, IPN reports.

The candidates will come to the exam with the identity card. The head of the Baccalaureate center will open the envelop that will contain the test paper in a room with video cameras in the presence of a candidate and an assistant from each examination hall, on the part of the envelope that will be indicated through the radio on the exam day, at 9am.

A number of 92 Baccalaureate centers were opened for the Baccalaureate session 2018. Thirty of these are situated in Chisinau municipality.