
Authorities to invest in child-friendly schools


Until 2018, the Moldovan government is expected to renovate and equip 90 schools according to standards for child-friendly schools. The Ministry of Education approved these standards at the end of last year and they cover all the aspects concerning the functioning of an educational institution. The renovation and equipping of child-friendly schools is one of the performance indicators based on which the Ministry of Education will receive $40 million to renovate 17 schools in 13 districts of the country.

Natalia Gavrilita, state secretary at the Ministry of Education, told the Ministry's electronic newsletter that $38.5 million will be direct aid to the state budget, and $1.5 million will be provided in technical assistance. “The amount of $38.5 million will be allotted only when we reach certain performance indicators. This means that in order to obtain the money we must prove we made progress with reforms in several directions”, added Natalia Gavrilita.

The schools included in the first stage of the project have been selected according to a evaluation from October-November 2013. “The World Bank requirement is that we invest in district schools, where we have students from several villages. So, we want to invest in schools that have a future and don't risk running out of students and of money in the near future. That's why, when selecting schools, we looked at the number of students in the school and in nearby villages, and at the number of children under 7 years of age in a range of 20 km around the village or the town”, said the official.

Natalia Gavrilita says that in districts where a single school was approved for renovation, other institutions will join the project in its latter stages. Districts that progress with the implementation of education reforms can also be included in the next stages. By the end of the year, the project documentation for the renovation works will be prepared and some repairs will be done (roofing, heating systems, thermal insulation of walls, etc.). The main works will be carried out in 2015.

The 17 schools to be renovated in the first stage are: “A. Donici” Lyceym in Ciuciuleni, Hancesti district; “Alexandru cel Bun” Lyceum in Varzaresti, Nisporeni district; the secondary school in Siscani village, Nisporeni; “Vasile Parvan” Lyceum in Gotesti, Cantemir district; “A. Puskin” Lyceum in Ungheni town; “Mihai Eminescu” Lyceum in Sipoteni, Calarasi district; the lyceum in Tibirica, Calarasi; “V. Anestiade” Lyceum in Saratenii Vechi, Telenesti district; “A. Mateevici” Lyceum in Cainari town; the lyceum in Visoca, Soroca; “Ioan Luca Caragiale” Lyceum in Orhei town; “Hyperion” Lyceum in Gura Galbenei, Cimislia district; “M. Eminescu” Lyceum in Cimislia town; “L. Blaga” Lyceum in Iargara, Leova; the lyceum in Recea village, Rascani district; “S. Lucaci” Lyceum in Costesti town, Rascani district; and “Vasile Coroban” Lyceum in Glodeni town.