
Authorities forecast an increase of agricultural global product in 2006


The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA) forecasts, for 2006, an increase of the global product by 3.9% compared to 2005. In the zootechnical sector, the increase will be about 7.4%, under the condition that all the protection measures of the national producer will be guaranteed, the Minister Anatol Gorodenco announced on Wednesday, June 21. Referring to the protection measures of the national producer, Gorodenco said that the ministry has drafted an action plan that will be made public after the Government examines it. „Such measures are normal in conditions when we have to protect ourselves on the internal market, invaded by foreign goods, to re-conquer it. There is production where consumption exists”, Gorodenco said, giving to understand that, further, national producers will benefit of favorable conditions for selling on the internal market in order to encourage them in the producing process. According to the minister, MAIA is concerned, especially, about the decreasing, to 12 lei, of the purchasing price of the pork meat and because of this it seeks mechanisms for stimulating the internal producer. At the same time, the official noted, relevant is the growth of the poultry production volume: if in 2001 there were produced 1,000 tones, in 2005 – 10,000 tones. In order to diverse the exports on the market of the European Community, MAIA has drafted an action plan regarding the promotion of animal origin goods, and now a plan is issued regarding the promotion of vegetal origin goods, the minister underlined. Also there will be created conditions for certifying these goods and will be harmonized the legislation with the European standards. The farmers also have to contribute to the increasing of the quality and competitiveness of Moldovan goods on the internal market, as well as on the external one, Gorodenco said. In 2005 and in the first semester of 2006, the activity of the branch ministry was based on continuing the reform policies in agro-food sector, being drafted more than 50 legislative and normative acts. These regarded especially strengthening of plots, promoting ecologic agriculture, and training of farmers in the branch businesses. All these changes, Gordenco considers, despite the restrictions on exports and natural disasters, led to the fact that 2005 was finished with a raise, even if modest, of the agricultural global product with 1%. The minister expressed his hope that the situation in 2006 will improve significantly once the Agro-Industrial Sector Development Strategy 2006-2015 is approved.