
Aureliu Ciocoi: Mass media is a guarantee of democratic and free society


On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day that is annually observed on May 3, acting Prime Minister Aureliu Ciocoi transmitted to the journalists a message of support and appreciation, wishing them success and inspiration, IPN reports.

Aureliu Ciocoi noted that UNESCO celebrates the current edition of World Press Freedom Day to remind of the necessity of the authorities fulfilling the commitment concerning the freedom of the press. It is also a day of remembrance for those journalists who died in the line of duty.

The official said that for the second consecutive year, World Press Freedom Day is celebrated in a context marked by the pandemic, amid the emergency measures imposed in the health, social and economic sectors, which amplify the peoples’ need to be informed. “The role of the media outlets in counteracting the pandemic is doubtless - you are those who find out and disseminate credible and confirmed information. You also represent the most specialized body of professionals who are able to deny false news and disinformation, offering the citizens of the Republic of Moldova truthful information,” stated Aureliu Ciocoi, thanking the journalists for the effort they make daily to inform the citizens.

“Your duty, in the spirit of the Deontological Code, is to guarantee a democratic and free society in which the general public is informed objectively and on time. Your work and daily efforts are synonymous with truth, cooperation and professional correctness.”

The official also made a call to the governmental communicators, alongside whom the journalists ensure the general public’s access to information. “In this connection, the full observance of the principles of freeform of the press and freedom of expression, enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and other international documents and conventions to which our country is a party should be ensured by the state in accordance with the best practices and technical possibilities available at the moment,” said Aureliu Ciocoi.

The United Nations General Assembly declared May 3 to be World Press Freedom Day 28 years ago.