
AUR starts election campaign: “We will travel to each village”


The Alliance for the Union of Romanians officially launched its election campaign prior to the snap parliamentary elections of July 11. The event was held in front of the Monument to Deportees in the Square of the Railway Terminal of Chisinau. Members of the party said they will travel by a yellow bus to all the villages and towns of Moldova so as to present their electoral program, IPN reports.

AUR president Vlad Biletski said their electoral program envisions support for farmers and young entrepreneurs and measures for the diaspora to return home. The Republic of Moldova can become part of the EU only if it unites with Romania.

If the AUR enters Parliament, it will not form an alliance with the parties led by Igor Dodon, Ilan Shor or Renato Usatîi, said Vlad Biletski.

The leader of the Liberal Party Dorin Chirtoacă, who runs on the AUR’s list of candidates, noted the Republic of Moldova wouldn’t have coped with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, if Romania hadn’t provided assistance.

As a supporter of the union with Romania, Dorin Chirtoacă enumerated the advantages that the citizens living on the left side of the Prut can obtain, such as the possibility of working in Europe and of obtaining higher allowances from the state. Romania offers allowances totaling €12,000 to a child from the age of one until the age of 18. The union with Romania means also higher salaries, pensions, scholarships and higher budgets for the development of villages. “Only with the assistance of Romania, we can become part of NATO and the EU,” stated the ex-mayor of Chisinau.

Another candidate for MP on behalf of the AUR, Valeriu Munteanu, said the Republic of Moldova will become member of the EU if it becomes member of NATO too. 1 million Moldovans already hold Romanian nationality.

After the event, the members of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians said they go to protest in front of the Central Election Commission against the decision concerning the number of polling stations that will be established outside the country.