
Association of Historians condemns Russia's interference in Moldovan education policy


The Association of Historians reacted promptly to the statements made by the Russian Youth League of Moldova at a roundtable meeting on November 22. The meeting centered on the question: What kind of history does Moldova need - the history of Moldova or the history of Romanians? At the meeting, the Association was represented by the president Sergiu Musteata and Virgil Paslariuc and Igor Casu. According to them, the debates were moderated by Igor Tuleantev, the head of the Union of Russian Youth and vice president of the Russian associations in Moldova. Among the attendees were Valery Klimenko, the leader of Ravnopravie Movement, Maxim Mishchenko, member of the Russian Sate Duma, and Alexei Liubtsov, the head of Molodaya Gvardya organization – the young wing of United Russia Party, and a representative of the Russian Embassy in Chisinau. Sergiu Musteata said the event was political in nature as the participants did not represent academic communities. “The Moscow officials discussed issues that are not within their competence. Besides, the debates organized by the Russian Youth League were dominated by anti-Western and anti-Romania messages.” University lecturer Virgil Paslariuc said the debates clearly showed that Russia interferes in Moldova's internal affairs. “Valery Klimenko's statements that the young people should be mobilized to protest against the introduction of the History of Romanians subject in schools are alarming.” The Association of Historians condemns the interference of Russian representatives in Moldova's education policy. “Such meetings and statements are aimed at destabilizing the political situation in Moldova. We call on the competent bodies and the international organizations to take attitude to such actions.” Representatives of the Association of Historians have told Info-Prim Neo that they are always ready to debate such issues, including with the participation of scientists from Russia and other states, on condition that the discussions are exclusive scientific in character and are based on professionalism.