
Artistic partnerships between two banks of Nistru


Ten educational and cultural institutions from both banks of the Nistru River established artistic partnerships with the involvement of talented children, teachers and professional musicians. During a year, there were given 10 joint concerts in a number of settlements, which were attended by about 5,000 people, IPN reports.

The partnerships were established within a project implemented by the Center for Cooperation and Partnership, with the financial assistance of the European Union and UNDP, through the Confidence Building Measures Program.

According to a communiqué from UNDP and EU, the idea of gathering together children and professionals for a project played an important role in developing and promoting young talents. The concert programs were various and included different vocal and instrumental works of classical and contemporary European composers. Some of the songs were sung for the first time.

The young musicians from the left bank of the Nistru, after taking part in the concerts held within the project, decided to continue their studies at the Chisinau Academy of Music. The initiators of the project said that by this exchange of experience and information, they established relations of confidence between the two banks of the Nistru and achieved the set objectives.