
April 7 events in the context of Moldova’s Independence at its 18th anniversary. Info-Prim Neo interview with Dorin Chirtoaca


[{The April 7 protests that resulted in acts of violence, including clashes between the protesters and the police, human victims and destruction of the buildings of the Parliament and the Presidential Office, constituted the most prominent evens this year and, perhaps, one of the rarest and memorable events in Moldova’s period of independence. Paradoxically, the events were not treated as such by the political class and the society. The survey on the April 7 events initiated by the news agency Info-Prim Neo among leaders of political parties of different orientations and of the civil society aims to diagnose the quality of Moldova’s Independence at its 18th anniversary and of the society in general and to find answers to the question “what should we do next?” This time, the questions are answered by the Mayor General of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca.}] [– What did the April 7 events represent for Moldova’s Independence: a rare occurrence or a natural phenomenon?] – It was a peaceful protest generated by the fact that the Communist government during eight years could not identify solutions to the problems faced by the youth, the disfavored groups and all the Moldovan people. Unfortunately, this protest degenerated into acts of vandalism provoked by nobody knows who. We are yet to establish who planed the devastation of the buildings of the Parliament and the Presidential Office. Those that protested peacefully and expressed their viewpoints deserve the society’s respect because they did nothing but attract attention to the fact that Moldova’s Independence, the values defined in the Declaration of Independence and in the national legislation adopted after the proclamation of Independence have been violated by the Communist government and that a real change is needed. [– Why the violent clashes, acts of vandalism, human victims and other blamable conducts could not be avoided?] – They could not be avoided because the government authorities were accomplices in these acts of vandalism and the Ministry of the Interior brought unprepared and not appropriately equipped persons to cope with the acts of vandalism. They did not take the necessary measures, did not use at least teargas to disperse the crow. The Ministry of the Interior ordered the police to pull out from the buildings, practically allowing their destruction. In addition, there are images with police officers throwing stones. [– Why the causes of these events weren’t probed and the results weren’t published even five months afterward?] – As the central authorities had been conspirators in these acts, the provokers and those that threw stones were not caught. Instead, there were arrested peaceful protesters. Therefore, the April 7 events were not thoroughly and objectively investigated. [– Can you draw an analogy between the April 7 events and some other historical events?] – There was a ‘bloody Sunday” in Russia’s history on January 9, 1905. Decapitations and massacres led to the revolution of 1789 in France. The German Reichstag was set on fire on February 27, 1933, which was a key event in the unification of the Nazi Germany. In Moldova’s history, the provocations in Gagauzia and the Nistru war of 1992 can be considered analogies with the April 7 events. No conflicts existed between the ordinary people. The war of 1992 was started by specialized structures that tried to shake Moldova’s Independence. [– What lessons the independent Moldovan should learn from the April 7 events?] The law should be enforced in Moldova. The European norms and standards should become a reality in Moldova. The powers should be separated, while the functionality of the democratic institutions should be ensured so as to prevent similar situations.