
Antibiotics are more often used in times of pandemic


Antibiotic resistance is a global health disaster that already kills 700,000 people a year. As bacteria become increasingly resistant to the effects of antibiotics so the number of deaths will increase because of this. The burden of infections with bacteria resistant to antibiotics is comparable with the burden of such diseases as flu, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS together. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, specialists say the use of antibiotics has grown, IPN reports.

In a news conference held in connection with the World Antibiotic Awareness Week staged during November 18-24. Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection Viorica Dumbrăveanu said there is a normative framework that regulates the conditions for prescribing and issuing antibiotics. Figures show antibiotics represent 10% of all the drugs used by the population.

“The abusive use of antibiotics during the COVID-19 pandemic can accelerate the increase of antibiotic resistance. COVID-19 is caused by a virus, not a bacterium. Consequently, antibiotics should not be used to prevent and treat viral infections, except for cases when bacterial infections are also present,” stated the minister.

The people are urged to administer antibiotics only when the doctor prescribes them. It is recommended to follow the whole treatment without interruption even if the patient feels better. Self-medication should be avoided. A doctor should be seen on the first symptoms of disease.