
A.N.R.E. likely to work out new methodology of calculation of natural gas tariffs


The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) intends to work out a new methodology in 2006 which would allow the implementation of differential natural gas tariffs depending on the level of pressure in networks to which consumers are connected and quantity of delivered gas. This intention is part of a report on activity of ANRE delivered to the parliament and government earlier this week. According to competent specialists, the implementation of these tariffs would stimulate a more efficient and reasonable use of natural gas. The finalisation of the process of creation of framework to regulate the natural gas market is another priority of ANRE for 2006. This process includes the drafting of the code of measurement of natural gas for commercial purposes, of the methodology of calculation of tariffs for auxiliary services provided by gas distribution enterprises and a new regulation on delivery and use of natural gas. According to ANRE officials, by drafting and implementing these normative acts the agency aims to adjust the national regulation framework to rules of fuel market of Moldova to standards of the European Union. The Management Board of ANRE will approve the draft regulatory acts after their discussion at public sittings that ANRE will organise with the participation of representatives of operators of market of energy resources, employers and consumer protection associations.