Another futile meeting at Chisinau Council
After one hour of bootless debate, the Chisinau city councilors dispersed again today without getting through the agenda of the City Council's meeting, which was adopted as far back as on June 11. The only thing they managed today was to release permits to the incoming councilors that will replace those who won seats in Parliament in the April 5 vote.
Only 34 of the 51 councilors announced their presence at the start of the meeting. But their number reduced even more shortly after. With no quorum, many key items included in the order of business remained unadopted.
Among them, adjustments to the rules on road transportation, and the price of heat delivered to the water utility Apa Canal. No decision has been adopted either on the multiple disputes at the municipal agencies, like the health department, the trolleybus company, the Capitala newspaper. The list of the staff at the city's polling stations has also remained without the Council's formal endorsement.
After a lunch break with tea and pie the councilors dispersed with the intention to make another attempt tomorrow.
One city councilor is paid 200 taxpayer's lei for each day of assembly at the City Council.