
Andrian Candu: A Premier does not issue ultimatums to President and Parliament


A Prime Minister does not issue ultimatums to the President and Parliament, Speaker Andrian Candu said, commenting on Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici’s letter by which he asked dismissing the administration of the National Bank, the Prosecutor General’s Office and the National Commission for Financial Markets. Andrian Candu told the press that the dismissal of the whole administration of an institution will make this institution nonfunctional and it won’t be possible to continue the initiated investigations, including into the situation in the banking sector, IPN reports.

“I’m glad that the letter reached met too, yesterday afternoon. It should have reached me before being published on social networking sites. This fact is not yet so important. What is important is that we all realize that big changes are needed in the country. There is great disappointment inside and outside the country with the political class, the lack of reforms. These things preoccupy us all,” stated the Head of Parliament.

Andrian Candu is sure that radical changes will take place in the near future, including in the political class, aimed at regaining the people’s and development partners’ confidence. “I do not refer to dismissals, but to a complex approach. If one dismissal can solve the country’s problems, it will take place, but I mean much greater changes,” he stated.

On June 6, Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici published a letter on a social networking site, by which he asks for support from the head of state and Parliament in dismissing the administration of the National Bank, the Prosecutor General’s Office and the National Commission for Financial Markets. In an official letter to the President and Parliament, the Premier says he will resign in a month if decision makers of the mentioned institutions are not discharged.

President Nicolae Timofti hasn’t yet commented on the Premier’s letter. His adviser Vlad Turcanu said the head of state will make statements on the issue on June 9.