
Andrei Nastase nominated as candidate for President by Party “Platform Dignity and Truth”


The Political Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” fielded Andrei Nastase as a candidate for the presidential elections. A decision to this effect was taken in the meeting of the party’s National Political Council, IPN reports.

The members of the Council conferred on the sociopolitical situation in Moldova, noting that a dictatorial regime designed to remove the last redoubt was established so that this can gain full power in the state – the presidency – by massively rigging the October 30 elections.

“Though the presidential elections are insufficient for demolishing the oligarchy of mafia type, this is an important element in initiating the process of freeing the state from captivity. We consider that the next, decisive stage will start with the swift calling of early parliamentary elections. Therefore, we consider that the union of the really anti-oligarchic political forces, the involvement of all the healthy forces from civil society in this partnership and the crystallization of a viable political alternative with which we will come before the whole society are mandatory steps,” says the declaration adopted by the National Political Council.

The Council also asserts its support for the idea of fielding a common candidate on the part of the real opposition forces and asks for the independent civil society’s support for this candidate. It also assumes, as priorities of the party and the future President, to remove the current administration as soon as possible and to choose a new Government that will consist of highly-qualified specialists with faultless reputation fielded by the united opposition forces, under the control of civil society.

At the same time, the members of the National Political Council call on the representatives of civil society to convene a new meeting of the Civic Forum where to debate and approve solutions for strengthening the healthy political forces, the method of causing early parliamentary elections, and the participation with a common candidate in the presidential elections and a common list in the parliamentary elections.

The Council also constituted an initiative group for collecting signatures in favor of candidate Andrei Nastase. The group is headed by the party’s deputy chairman Alexandru Slusari.