
Andrei Năstase: Maia Sandu will run in constituency No. 50 in respect for those from diaspora


Politician Maia Sandu will run in constituency No. 50 intended for the diaspora from the West, which is the first on the list of the electoral bloc ACUM DA PAS, in respect for the Moldovans who settled in European states, the leader of the Political Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” Andrei Năstase was quoted by IPN as saying in the talk show “Expertise hour” on Jurnal TV channel.

The president of the Party “Action and Solidarity” Maia Sandu said one of the reasons for this choose was the enormous voting potential in constituency No. 50 and also because she was the common candidate of the two parties in the previous presidential elections and thus became known in the diaspora. “I would be honored to have the vote of these people. We had a very large presence there in the presidential elections,” stated the politician.

Andrei Năstase said the decision concerning the candidacy of Maia Sandu was assumed by the whole bloc ACUM. “It is also a gesture of our respect for those who are there and we want them to be as united, mobilized and involved as possible,” he noted.

About constituency No. 33 where he runs, the politician said this is the only constituency where he could run as he has the domicile there. Also, he had a good result in the local mayoral elections of 2018 in the localities that form part of this constituency.

Andrei Năstase said there is one more independent candidate for MP with an almost similar name in the constituency where he will run. This is called Andrei Năstas. Such candidates can appear in all the 51 single-member constituencies. “This is an anonymous person that cannot be identified by the press,” stated the leader of the PPPDA.

On January 2, the bloc ACUM presented its list of 54 candidates for MP in single-member constituencies.