
Andrei Ivantoc and Tudor Petrov-Popa to be free in a few weeks


The detainees of the Tiraspol separatist regime Andrei Ivantoc and Tudor Petrov-Popa will be released on May 28 and June 2, respectively, the so-called foreign minister of the separatist administration Valeri Litkai stated. Litkai mentioned that the two convicts will be set free once their jail term expires and not earlier, as a number of media institutions reported. The six members of the so-called “Ilascu group”, including Andrei Ivantoc and Tudor Petrov-Popa, were detained by the separatists in June 1992. All of them were sentenced to different jail terms on charges of “committing acts of terrorism”, while Ilie Ilascu was sentenced to death, and later this punishment was replaced by life imprisonment. In May 2001, Ilascu was released, then he fixed his residence in Romania, where he is senator. In 2004, Andrei Ivantoc, Tudor Petrov-Popa Alexandru Lesco and Ilie Ilascu won a case at ECHR against Russia and Moldova. The Court ordered their immediate release but the decision was not complied with.