
Andrei Curăraru: Israel – Hamas conflict can have a chain reaction


The Israel - Hamas conflict is a geopolitical one and can extend and have a chain reaction, including by radicalizing a number of communities in the European Union, security expert of WatchDog Association Andrei Curăraru stated in a public debate hosted by IPN.

“We have migrants who do not want to integrate into the European society and who can be easily radicalized as they live in closed communities, are closely tied to traditional, patriarchal entities, do not integrate into the secular state and can be radicalized through the agency of these religious organizations some of which are run in parallel with terrorism financing,” stated Andrei Curăraru.

Speaking about the Israel – Hamas confrontation, the security expert referred to the so-called “war of views”, saying that this war, primarily for the intellectuality and for a part of the traditional left of the EU, was definitely won by Hamas, which appeared as the victim of the Israeli state. Society is divided on the issue and it is normal to be divided as there are no clear solutions and there are victims not only on one side. Thousands of people were affected on the Israeli side.

He noted that the ordinary Palestinians who live in the Gaza Strip are radicalized since they are young, starting with the animated cartoons up to speeches at home, in the family and they do not hear something else except for the speech of Hamas. Their development prospects are closely related to this struggle. Hamas monopolized any type of activities and conducts these in a terrorist context.

The public debate entitled “Humankind between Terrorism, Compassion and Interests” was the 293rd installment of IPN’s project “Developing Political Culture through Public Debates” that is supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.