
AMN: Youths are not as afraid as Papuc thinks


Members and supporters of the youth organization of Our Moldova Alliance (AMN) staged a flash-mob on Friday in front of the Interior Ministry. They carried posters reading: “Down with Mafia”, “Down with Dictatorship”, “Down with Torture”, “Don't intimidate people!” Info-Prim Neo reports. “We're here because we sympathize with the protests all over the world staged today on the International Day supporting torture victims. We claim from the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Down with torture, Down with dictatorship,” said Alexandrina Robu, a participant in the action. “The AMN youths support the people having suffered here in Moldova following the April 7 events. We sympathize with all the people having suffered from ill-treatment. Moldova has repeatedly been condemned by the ECHR for using physical force or psychological pressure on certain citizens,” said Leonid Bujor, a candidate on AMN's list for parliament. Bujor says the flash-mob pursues to “show Mr. Papuc (Gheorghe Papuc, minister of Interior – e.n.) that the youths are not as afraid as he thinks.” “We hope a lot that the police will show more correctitude during this race, compared to the previous races,” Bujor said. The action lasted 10 minutes. The Ministry for Internal Affairs has made no comments.