
AMN wants to become lawyer of people willing to regain Romanian citizenship


The “Moldova Noastra” Alliance (AMN) will initiates a campaign for collecting signatures on the part of Moldovan citizens that want to regain their Romanian citizenship from December 18 this year, Veaceslav Untila, first deputy prime minister of AMN, said in a press conference. As he states, the Law on Romanian citizenship stipulates the right to regain the Romanian citizenship for Moldova’s residents, but the authorities in Bucharest did not set a legal mechanism that would enable to implement this right. The Romanian citizenship became the most inaccessible for Moldovan citizens. At present, it is easier to get the citizenship of other states – Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria etc. than of Romania. This thing is as difficult to understand as the matter concerns Romanian citizens, who were deprived of the citizenship without their consent, said the cited source. In this context, AMN will request from the authorities in Bucharest to optimize the procedure for regaining the Romanian citizenship. Moreover, they will request a deadline for examining the applications of regaining citizenship and the time to regain it. AMN urges all those willing to regain the Romanian citizenship to go to the headquarters of the party’s territorial organisations. Thus, the people will be exempted from certain expenses and have the possibility to fill in the forms at home, said the quoted source. The party is willing to become the lawyer of those who want to regain the Romanian citizenship. The signatures that will be gathered will be for AMN as a mandate given by the citizens in the dialogue with the Government in Bucharest. The Party will ask the authorities in Bucharest to hurry and simplify the procedure for regaining the Romanian citizenship. “We are willing to cover all the stages stipulated by the law, reserving our right to support this cause, inclusively at the ECHR”, Veaceslav Untila stated. Earlier, the Romanian Foreign Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu said that "the Romanian citizenship is a privilege, not a right, and Romanian citizens must give a concrete evidence of affiliating with everything that Romania represents". In 1991-2002 about 100,000 Romanian citizenships by residents of Moldova were regained while after 2002 – only 3,200, as a result of introducing the clause regarding the residence in Romania.