
AMN members to challenge Serafim Urecheanu's election as party leader


Several members of the Moldova Noastra Alliance will contest the election of Serafim Urechean as leader of the party at the Ministry of Justice. The contesting application will be submitted this week, said the former first vice president of the AMN Veaceslav Untila, who competed for the post of leader alongside Serafim Urecheanu, Info-Prim Neo reports. Veaceslav Untila said that his future steps will depend on the decision of the Ministry of Justice. “Twenty-one local organizations proposed another candidate for the post of president of the AMN. They will decide how to act in continuation. Now we do not recognize Serafim Urecheanu's election as leader of the party,” Untila said. Serafim Urecheanu was elected president of the AMN at the eighth Congress of the party on December 12. The voting took place amid argument. The candidates for the post included Serafim Urecheanu, Veaceslav Untila and the former vice president of the party Iurie Colesnic. The misunderstandings started when a part of the delegates to the Congress said the voting process should be closed, while most of them said it should be closed. “If the president had been elected by a closed vote, the election would have been more democratic,” Untila said. Though they left the assembly hall at the Congress, Veaceslav Untila and Iurie Colesnic were elected as members of the National Council of the AMN. Iurie Colesnic says the party should be modernized. “AMN cannot fall apart at the first blow. It is the only party in Moldova that started to be built from the lower levels,” he said. Asked to comment on his colleague's decision to dispute the election results, the re-elected leader of the AMN Serafim Urecheanu said the last Congress was one of the most democratic in the past 20 years, adding that it is up to them to make such decisions.