
AMN elects vice presidents


The National Political Council of the Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN) came together for its first meeting in the new composition on January 23, Info-Prim Neo reports. Before voting in the members of the Central Standing Bureau and the party’s vice-presidents, the participants in the meeting were to elect first 12 new members of the National Political Council as 12 members of the AMN, including first vice president Veaceslav Untila, defected from the party. It is said that there will be elected not four vice presidents of the party as earlier, but only two. The names of the candidates were not made public, but leading members of the part often said the head of the AMN Women’s Organization Natalia Ciobanu and the head of the party’s Youth Organization deserve being named as deputies of the AMN president Serafim Urecheanu. The agenda also includes discussion of the proposals for reforming and modernizing the party submitted by local members of the AMN. The meeting of the National Political Council stated at 11.00 and is held behind closed doors. According to the first vice president of the AMN Victor Osipov, the results will be announced immediately after the meeting.