
AMN draws up electoral slate


Our Moldova Alliance (AMN) leader Serafim Urecheanu on Saturday said his party has already drawn up a final list of candidates to participate in the early parliamentary elections, which will be presented to the Central Election Commission most likely next week, Info-Prim Neo reports. At a news conference today, Serafim Urecheanu expressed his conviction that AMN will “inevitably” enter the next parliament, adding that Moldova will be henceforth governed by coalitions and AMN will be part of them. Concerning AMN's chances, Serafim Urecheanu stated that in the November elections his party will win no fewer seats in Parliament than in the April 2009 poll. Urecheanu explained the smaller number of votes earned on July 29, 2009 in comparison with those on April 5, 2009 on the fact that AMN assumed the risk of a dialogue with the Communist Party for the purpose of preventing the buying of the so-called “golden vote”. “AMN was the only party to accept dialogue with the PCRM, thus ensuring that the golden vote is not bought”, said Serafim Urecheanu. “I admit that that move might have affected our image, but we've achieved a greater goal instead”. On April 5, 2009 AMN obtained 11 seats in Parliament, but on July 29, 2009 its parliamentary seats diminished to 7.