
AMN accuses communist government of violating human rights


“Moldova Noastra” Alliance considers that it is the communist government which is guilty for the worsening of the human rights situation in Moldova. It is a conclusion based on the reports of national and international organizations, and which is also reflected by the longest monitoring process carried out by the CoE on a member-country, the MP representing AMN, Leonid Bujor stated in a Parliament sitting. According to the faction’s statement, one of the worst tools used by the actual government is the division of citizens into “theirs and the others”. This fact represents a flagrant violation of the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, saying that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”. The government also ignored the art.14 of the European Convention on Human Rights stipulating that rights and liberties “shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion”. According to AMN, there are a lot of cases of discriminating approaches in Moldova, applied to simple citizens, political parties and leaders, local representatives, companies, trade-unions, media institutions, creation unions and the entire civil society. According to the cited source, those who refuse to support communists, to obey them, to give up their businesses, those who form the opposition to the actual power, are dismissed, initiated fake legal proceedings, are discriminated and harassed by all means. “The closer the local elections of 2007 are the more open is the way in which the actual government promotes political corruption”, the MP stated. To date, 42 of those who faced miscarriages of justice succeeded in finding justice at the ECHR, a body which continues to receive new appeals from Moldova. The AMN faction emphasized upon the frequent cases of violation of the freedom of press, in general, the rights to provided with fair information and liberty to express opinions in Moldova. The only media which is advantaged is that serving the power. Worrying events have taken place recently in the broadcasting field, events that reflect the policy of the actual government of suppressing pluralism and media diversity. The mentioned situation is the one created by the attempt of the red-orange coalition to put an end to the public control and start the political and private one upon the “Antena C” and “Euro TV Chisinau” stations, a method already tested on former Government’s publications “Moldova Suverana” and “Nezavisimaia Moldova”. The operation of splitting apart municipal media has been launched after the new structure of CCA had been promoted on political criteria. In parallel, the selection of the new leadership for the “Teleradio-Moldova” Company started, without any criteria or transparency. These anti-reforms will limit at the largest scale the citizens’ rights to pluralist information and opinion, AMN asserts. The Human Rights Day is celebrated on December 10. This year the 57th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is observed. Also, as a member of the European Council, Moldova assumed the obligation to respect the European Convention on Human Rights. “We have the obligation to do more than just declare these fundamental principles – we must implement them”, the AMN declaration adds, cited by Info-Prim Neo.