
Amendments approved to Social Insurance Budget


The Governmnet approved amendments to the Social Insurance Budget for 2012, namely an increment of 81 million lei following a transfer from the State Budget, Info-Prim Neo reports. Deputy Minister of Labor Sergiu Sainiciuc said that 74.3 million lei will be used to cover the deficit of the Social Insurance Budget, which emerged as a results of the increase in pension index rates, from the forecasted 7.85% to the real 9.6%, and the increase in the number of beneficiaries. Another 6.7 million lei will go to increasing social welfare funded by the State Budget, in particular child benefits for insured people who are raising children under 3 years old. After the amendments, the Social Insurance Budget for 2012 will have no deficit and will balance, both in revenue and spending, at 9.906 billion lei.