
Alexandru Flenchea: War in Ukraine can be put on hold


It is highly improbable that a decision on Ukraine’s entry into NATO will be taken at the Vilnius summit, said security expert Alexandru Flenchea, director of the Association “Initiative for Peace”. According to him, Ukraine’s immediate accession to NATO would mean triggering of a war between the North Atlantic Alliance and Russia, which can generate a nuclear disaster, IPN reports.

The expert said the war in Ukraine fully changes European security architecture and the new security commitments will include the Republic of Moldova one way or another. The war in Ukraine can be put on hold by the model of the Minsk agreement of 2015.

“We are witnessing the complete transformation of Europe, primary in terms of security, from energy security to armed security and the Republic of Moldova is in the middle of events. The world will look differently. Europe will be different. This war can be put on hold. President Zelensky said that until the last Russian soldier leaves Ukraine they can talk only about a delayed war. We already had a war on hold between 2015 and 2022. We now speak about a different scale of the war. The whole continent is currently involved. The situation now is much more dramatic. Respectively, the changes in security architecture will be much bigger,” Alexandru Flenchea stated in the program “Reflection Points” on Vocea Basarabiei station.

The security expert also said that Ukraine’s entry into NATO before the war is over is highly improbable as a NATO-Russia confrontation would have disastrous consequences for mankind.

“The fate of the NATO Summit in Vilnius was mostly decided already. Ukraine, as Georgia, was offered the NATO membership perspective in 2008, at the Bucharest summit. I think now they will formulate only encouragements for Ukraine as nothing can change in the Kyiv-NATO relations. I don’t think there will be a decision that will announce the date NATO will have by one more member. The war is an obstacle to Ukraine’s accession. The North Atlantic Alliance is not ready for a war with Russia. Such a scenario is not wanted. I don’t think someone wants it as it is too close to a nuclear disaster,” stated the ex-deputy premier for reintegration.

The NATO Summit will take place in Lithuania’s capital Vilnius on July 11-12.