
Alexandr Stoianoglo acquitted of abuse of power


Former prosecutor general Alexandr Stoianoglo was acquitted in the case in which he was accused of abuse of power or abuse of authority. The judgement was passed today by the Buiucani Court of Chisinau City. After the hearing, Alexandr Stoianoglo told the press that today’s judgement was obvious from the start as his actions didn’t contain any criminal elements and didn’t cause harm to the state, IPN reports.

“During the examination and prosecution, no evidence to prove the accusation against me was presented. The case against me was fabricated by a political order, with the sole purpose of removing me from office,” said the ex-prosecutor general.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office announced that it will appeal the trial court’s decision to the Chisinau Court of Appeals. The criminal case was started in October 2021 by a prosecutor of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, who was assigned by the Superior Council of Prosecutors. According to the materials, Alexandr Stoianoglo and a former inferior of his dismissed prosecutor Nicolae Chitoroagă, knowing that this was under criminal investigation at that time and was indicted. Knowing that in such cases, termination benefit is not paid, Alexandr Stoianoglo intentionally acted contrary to the law and ordered the payment of the benefit in the amount of 163,990 lei, causing damage to the budget of the Prosecutor’s Office.

By the judgment of February 28, 2024, the court acquitted the defendants of abuse of power. A separate opinion about their guilt was then formulated by one of the three judges.

Alexandr Stoianoglo was detained in October 2021 and placed under house arrest and then under judicial control. He was charged with abuse of power, passive corruption and making of false statements. He is also featured in a case of illicit enrichment. Alexandr Stoianoglo pleads not guilty on all charges. 

In May 2022, the Superior Council of Prosecutors recommended the head of state to dismiss Alexandr Stoianoglo from the post of prosecutor general. The SCP took note of the report compiled by a commission that assessed his work as unsatisfactory. In September 2023, the President signed the dismissal decree.