
Alexandr Stahurschi: UN General Assembly resolutions have great moral importance, being recommendatory


Journalist Alexandr Stahurschi said the resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, unlike the decisions of the UN Security Council, are not mandatory in character. It is considered that the UN General Assembly resolutions have great moral and political importance, being recommendatory in character. The expert made such statements in the public debate “(Political, economic, social, international) consequences of UN discussion on the withdrawal of the foreign army from Moldova’s territory” that was organized by IPN Agency and Radio Moldova.

According to Alexandr Stahurschi, it is not clear how this resolution can contribute to the solving of such a difficult situation. He wondered when the ministers of defense of Moldova and Russian met last as the ministries of defense are the institutions that should decide the withdraw of these or other troops, by examining the technical aspects of the problem. When the Russian deputy minister of foreign affairs Grigory Karasin paid a visit to Moldova this March, he described the draft resolution as something counterproductive and provocative, which can affect the Transnistrian settlement process.

The expert said information about how often the United Nations General Assembly resolutions are implemented can be easily found on the Internet. The United States is a country that often violates the given resolutions. Since 1962 until 2011, the UN General Assembly issued 22 times a resolution calling on the U.S. to end the blockade against Cuba.

Alexandr Stahurschi said he is from Bender town and remembers the tragedy that occurred there and the people also remember those tragic events. The politicians are those who divide the people because the population from both sides of the Nistru actually wants a security guarantee and to live in peace. Multiple efforts were made to stage common festivals, plays and concerts and the people get on well.  

The expert wondered where is the roadmap that would define the process of withdrawing the troops and munitions so that the latter do not explode. “A conclusive example can be seen online, namely the explosions that occurred in Ukraine owing to the non-observance of security rules. As a result, detached fragments reached distances of 30-40 kilometers. In such situations, the fragments in the Transnistrian region could get to Anenii Noi and who will suffer the consequences then?” asked the expert.

According to him, the situation will not change until the parliamentary elections. The statements about the withdrawal made now do not mean that actions will be taken in this regard. It is important to calm things down. It is a long-lasting process and it is very important to apply the principle “don’t do harm”. The war in Ukraine started in 2014 had a serious impact on the Transnistrian settlement process as Moldova has a neighbor where there is a civil war and this painful experience of the others should make us learn the lesson. “Is someone from among us or our children ready to take the gun and fight, and not for integrity, but for someone’s political interests?” asked Alexandr Stahurschi.

The public debate “(Political, economic, social, international) consequences of UN discussion on the withdrawal of the foreign army from Moldova’s territory” was the 91st installment of the series “Developing political culture through public debates” that are staged with the support of the German foundation Hanns Seidel.