
Ala Nemerenco sheds light on last Extraordinary Commission‘s decision: Dance hall is not restaurant


The minister of health came with explanations after the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission decided to declare a state of public health emergency nationwide for the period until October 30. According to Ala Nemerenco, the obligation to present negative COVID-19 test results, vaccine certificates or a document confirming the presence of antibodies is aimed at motivating the unvaccinated persons to get a vaccine. The minister noted the restaurants are not covered by this obligation, IPN reports.

Ala Nemerenco provided a response to representatives of the National Association of Restaurants and Leisure Places “
MĂR”, who expressed their bewilderment at the last decision taken by the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission. They said the procedure for checking certificates is unclear, while the notions “nightclub” and “dance hall” do not make it clear what public eating places will be subject to checks.

“When entering the place, the persons will present the certificate as they present the ticket. The digital system that will enable us to swiftly monitor entrances is just being developed. The certificate can be presented on the mobile phone or on paper. Dance hall and nightclub do not mean restaurant, as far as I know,” Ala Nemerenco said in the talk show “In Depth” on ProTV Chisinau channel.

Also, Ala Nemerenco came with a response for the representatives of theaters and concert halls, who asked to be allowed to work at reduced capacity, but without the obligation to ask for tests and vaccine certificates.

“We consider working at the capacity of 25% would bring much greater losses than the possibility of working at full capacity but with certificates. The organizers of performances and concerts should not look at these restrictions through the angle of this expensive certificate. A lot of people had been infected and a lot of people had been vaccinated and we this way motivate the others to get vaccinated too so that we can have a performance hall 75% filled,” stated Nemerenco.

The National Extraordinary Public Health Commission decided that the persons aged 18 and over as from September 11 will be admitted to performances, concerts, festivals at theaters, cinemas, concert hall’, nightclubs and dance halls only on the presentation of the vaccine certificate, a negative COVID-19 test result or a document showing the presence of antibodies for COVID-19.