
Agriculture trade unionists protest in front of Palace of Republic


The Women’s Organization of the National Federation of Agriculture and Food Industry Trade Unions “Agroindsind” protested in front of the Palace of the Republic against the rise in the price of health policy and in general against the budgetary-fiscal policy for the next year, IPN reports.

The president of “Agroindsind” Galina Bostan said the women trade unionists came together in front of the Palace of the Republic in order to repeat the demands they put forward in October, when they asked that the pensions be raised to the minimum subsistence level, while the childbirth allowance to 5,000 lei.

“We came here to urge the MPs not to adopt the budgetary-fiscal policy with the closed eyes. There are enough financial resources, but they must be managed correctly,” said Rodica Lupu, head of the “Agroindsind” local office in Ungheni.

Liberal-Democratic MP Veaceslav Ionita told the protesters that a public debate will be staged on the budgetary-fiscal policy next week, where they will analyze the proposals of trade unions.

Liberal lawmaker Valeriu Munteanu promised that the MPs will take into account trade unionists’ demands, but underlined the view that the rise in childbirth allowances will lead to a significant increase in the birth rate in Moldova is mistaken.