
Agriculture Ministry proposes setting up Payments Agency and Phytosanitary Agency


The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry suggests creating the Payments Agency and the Phytosanitary Agency. The first institution shall administer the agricultural subsidies allocated by the state instead of the Ministry. The second agency shall be set up by fusing the bodies with similar functions. At Thursday’s meeting of the Governmental Commission for Reforming the Central Public Administration, Minister of Agriculture Anatolie Gorodenco said that the two agencies will contribute to the simplification and improvement of the activity of the authorities from the agrifood sector. In another connection, Prime Minster Vasile Tarlev stressed the importance of working out a common mechanism for planning the activities of all the ministries, adjusted to the medium-term expenditure framework. He asked the Commission members to complete the proposed methodology and submit it for approval in the near future and to hasten the selection of local and international consultants to start formulating the given plans as soon as possible.