
Agriculture employers learn of child labor


On the eve of the Spring works, employers of agricultural entities take part in seminars on child labor in agriculture and food processing, Info-Prim Neo reports. The awareness-raising seminars are organized nation-wide by the National Federation of Employers in Agriculture and Food Industry with the support of the World Labor Organization’s office in charge with employers organizations. According to the organizers, the employers will get familiar with the provisions of the Conduct Code in order to avoid the gravest forms of child labor in agriculture and food processing. Passed in December 2007, the Code is an initiative of the Agriculture Employers willing to contribute to a favorable environment to prevent and combat hard, damaging and dangerous work for children. The Code is inspired from national laws and international conventions ratified by Moldova and contains a list of works banned for children, as defined by the Collective Convention on eliminating the gravest forms of child labor signed in 2007 by Employers, Trade Unions and Government. It also contains types of professions forbidden to people younger than 18. The Code establishes a monitoring scheme, to be implemented by a special team of inspectors. 30% of the children interviewed in a UNICEF research in Moldova answered they are impelled to perform household works to the detriment of activities specific to their age, as school, playing, hobbies, communicating with friends. The study points out that these children have few friends, weaker results at school, are more isolated, what negatively affects their psycho-emotional, intellectual and, not the least, physical development. The World Labor Organization’s data show that most of the children (0.4%) work in agriculture. The agricultural work is dangerous for children as they get exposed to high temperatures, noxious substances, having to work with sharp tools, to carry weights beyond their strength.