
​​​​​​​Agricultural sector is experiencing significant production decrease, AOAMP


The agricultural sector is experiencing a significant drop in agricultural production and is still far from being in a stable position which would allow it to face external competition without state protection. Farmers are the first ones to feel the weight of the challenges in the agri-food sector. The statements belong to representatives of the Association of Moldovan Business People Everywhere, who presented the results of the "Regional Agricultural Dialogue" (DAR) campaign on Tuesday, September 10.

In an IPN press conference, Alexei Repede, AOAMP president, said that during the DAR campaign, the Association, together with experts from Romania, made numerous visits to settlements from all districts of the country, where they had discussions with the agricultural producers and representatives of public authorities. Thus, between July 23 and August 9, the situation in the agri-food sector was evaluated.

Alexei Repede said that one of the identified problems is the lack of a labor force in the agricultural sector. In order to solve this issue, it is necessary to identify solutions that encourage the integration of human resources in the agri-food sector, while the issue must become a public priority. Additionally, the revitalization of agricultural education at all levels is required.

Another problem of the sector is the reduced access to financing for agricultural producers and young farmers. In the opinion of AOAMP representatives, a solution would be to increase the absorption degree of financing programs related to the real needs of the agri-food sector by ensuring access to free consultancy. Also, it is necessary to develop and implement a financing or lending program advantageous for farmers, while granting access to preferential loans for farmers, regardless of their experience. Another solution would be to offer state guarantees for the loans through a guarantee fund and through interest subsidies.

Alexei Repede explained that the outdated public policies, which are not covered by budgetary means, represent another problem. In this respect, a mapping of regional investment needs is required, as well as an update of national public policies. Furthermore, it is necessary to establish short, medium and long term action plans, through direct consultations with agricultural entrepreneurs, with the necessary funding. Among the identified problems are low access levels to markets, unfair trading practices, but also the lack of irrigation and anti-hail systems.

"We have to identify real solutions for the regional demands that we documented via dialogue with the farmers. We should pay attention to the following: the construction of a fruit and vegetable processing plant in Cimișlia, the construction of a high-capacity accumulation lake for farmers from the Căușeni district and the establishment, in the southern area of the country, of a quality control laboratory of agri-food products destined for export to the European Union. Additionally, we should use the good relations between Moldovan local public authorities and those from other countries as a facilitator of "B2B" connections and we should promote agri-food products both inside and outside the country, as to access all markets", said Alexei Repede.

AOAPM representatives described the conclusions, problems and solutions in the agri-food sector in a resolution which will be forwarded to the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova, to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Romania, as well as to the European Union.