
Agency for Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance to be reorganized and renamed


The Agency for Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance will be reorganized and will become the State Inspectorate for Nonfoods Surveillance and Consumer Protection, as the Cabinet decreed on Wednesday. The move is aimed at rationalizing the institution, IPN reports.

According to the Government’s press service, until now the Agency carried out inspections mostly based on petitions from consumers. After the reorganization, all the products on the market will be assessed and examined through monitoring instruments and by taking samples. This way, the Inspectorate will more efficiently perform market surveillance activities.

The institution’s duties will include the supervision of the nonfood market, compliance of services, including tourism ones, consumer protection, state control over gaming activities.

The Inspectorate will have 63 employees. The post of director will be held by the current head of the Agency on an interim basis.