
After association with EU, Moldova will remain frozen in this state IPN CAMPAIGN


When the Association Agreement with the EU is implemented, Moldova will get ready to fulfill the other accession criteria. Most probably, the recognition of the accession prospects will be a feasible objective for the next EaP Summit that will take place in Riga in 2015, said Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Iulian Groza.

Political analyst Igor Botan said it is right for the deputy foreign minister to speak about a possible accession application by Moldova to the EU as the government officials must show by their acts that there are peaks that Moldova wants to reach, but this does not mean that the country will obtain the status of candidate.

According to the analyst, after Moldova signs and ratifies the Association Agreement with the EU, it will remain frozen in the state of associate of the EU for a rather longer period. Afterward, things can develop as the deputy foreign minister anticipated, depending on the geopolitical situation in the region.

“We cannot guess whether this situation will be favorable or not. The deputy minister fulfilled his duties, while we, the people, can show a dose of skepticism after seeing how the so-called success story developed. The politicians already showed how they can benefit from the mandate given by the people and how they can exploit the people’s feelings and aspirations to come closer to the EU. They use these aspirations to do what they consider necessary – to privatize and concede facilities and to enrich themselves. I don’t think something will change until the people treat this phenomenon with indulgence,” said Igor Botan.

He also said that the active part of the population regretfully leaves the country. Despite the European integration process, Moldova becomes a depressed region for doing business and as regards the future prospects. “We can only guess what will happen in a country abandoned by ambitious and talented young people. It would be naïve to believe that we can learn to become active, well-informed and intransigent when we have politicians who ask for our votes and then lie to us,” he stated.

The analyst considers that the vote stealing and voter lying technology may change in the 2014 elections. This technology can be used only by those who are in power and who control banks and media outlets. These resources can be skillfully used to win another term in office and to continue to do what one knows best.