
AEI will have a joint staff in campaign for referendum. Info-Prim Neo interview with Liberal Party faction leader Ion Hadarca


[– Now that the parliamentary session is over, please enumerate the best results achieved by the legislative body in the period and explain how they were possible?] – We obtained many results, but the important thing is that we followed the plan for implementing the government program for European integration and introduced the necessary legislative amendments. The Moldovans living abroad now have greater possibilities of participating in our actions. I know the messages coming from abroad are very encouraging. It is important that the ruling political forces regained the people’s confidence that had been seriously eroded by the former Communist government – the confidence in European integration. Our predecessors’ words did not coincide with the deeds. They worked out programs and mechanisms, created institutions and established dialogue, but the mentality and direction remained the same – towards East. Our clear position convinced our partners so that we managed to reach a number of agreements. Among the most important ones is the agreement of about US$500 million signed with the U.S. Government, which is aimed at improving the infrastructure, communications and irrigation system. The agreements with the IMF, the EBRD and the Government of Romania are as important. We managed to restore the trust and dialogue with our Western European partners, especially our neighbors. Among other achievements are the removal of the barbed wire placed along the Moldovan-Romanian border, opening of the Romanian Consulates in Balti and Cahul, signing of the Convention on Small-Scale Border Traffic, the scholarships offered to our students to study in Romania, etc. At legislative level, important measures were taken to amend the Electoral Code. The amendments introduced after the last two elections enable the Moldovans who are abroad to take part in the polls, allow creating the common electoral register and many other things. [– What were the failures of the Parliament in the spring-summer session of 2010] – The first and greatest failure is the non-amendment of Article 78 (Article 78 of the Constitution describes the procedure for electing the head of state – e.n.). This failure is mainly on the Opposition’s shoulders as they blocked the initiatives of the Alliance and did not do what they said. We set up a joint commission to amend Article 78 in Parliament, involving the Opposition that had ultimatum-like pretensions. Now we have to hold early elections. The second purely legislative failure is the non-adoption of the Education Code imposed by the Treaty of Bologna and other international organizations that demand radically modifying our education system. Until recently, we had secondary school graduation certificates. In Europe, they diapered long ago. We did not manage to adopt a number of amendments to the legislation in compliance with our government program, but we hope we will take determined steps in this direction in the autumn session and will pass the Education Code in first reading. [– Does the Alliance for European Integration exist? What mechanisms for coordinating the Alliance do its components have now that the parliamentary session closed?] – Of course it exists. At the last meeting of the Alliance, I proposed formulating a joint statement about the common policy in the campaign for the referendum. At the initial stage, there will be created an electoral staff composed of representatives of the components of the Alliance. The proposal to create the staff was accepted. Some of the components delegated representatives, while the others will do it this week. I think the leaders of the Alliance will meet this weekend to discuss this and other issues and the staff will soon appear. It will draw up the first documents that will outline our joint strategy in the campaign. [– Why do the components of the AEI attack each other more harshly lately? Did the election campaign start?] – On the contrary, I think the electoral campaign makes us return to certain principles and joint coordination. The components had different viewpoints on the strategy for adopting laws, issuing decrees and statements, but those attacks were insignificant and could not damage the basis on which the Alliance was created.