
Adrian Dupu: I hope linguistic and historical mistake in Moldova’s Constitution will be corrected


Secretary of state at the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova of the Government of Romania Adrian Dupu voiced hope that a political consensus for amending article 13 of the Supreme Law, which provides that the state language of the Republic of Moldova is “Moldovan”, will be found in the legislature in Chisinau. According to him, by amending the Constitution, a historical truth will be restored and a linguistic mistake will be corrected, IPN reports.

Even if the Parliament in Bucharest declared August 31 the Romanian Language Day over the Prut as well, Adrian Dupu said he decided to celebrate this holiday in Chisinau, near the Romanians from the Republic of Moldova.

“I preferred to be in Chisinau on the Romanian Language Day as this holiday was born in Chisinau, even if we speak the Romanian language everywhere. The holiday was born in 1989, when the citizens from the left side of the Prut had the courage and power to demand what they considered they had the right to, namely for the Romanian language to be recognized as the official language and for the Latin script to be recognized. In respect for what our forerunners did, we chose to celebrate in Chisinau,” Adrian Dupu stated in the talk show “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

Back in December 2013, the Constitutional Court in Chisinau decided that Romanian is the official language of the Republic of Moldova, noting that the text of the Declaration of Independence prevails over the text of the Supreme Law. However, since then Article 13 of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova has remained unchanged. This linguistic mistake should be put right as swiftly as possible, said the Romanian official.

“What is interesting is that the Constitution stipulates that the language is Moldovan, but its text is in the Romanian language and those who say “official or state language” say it in Romanian too. I hope this linguistic and historical mistake in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova will be corrected soon, first of all in respect for the Romanian language and for the people who sought rights on August 31, 1989,” said Adrian Dupu.

The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova can be amended by the votes of at least 68 MPs. Currently, the Party of Action and Solidary has 63 seats in Moldova’s legislature and needs the votes of five opposition MPs to have a constitutional majority.