
Adoptive parents encourage others to follow their example


More than 50 parents gathered at the VI Assembly of Adoptive Parents to discuss ways of sharing their experience with others and find solutions to their problems, Info-Prim Neo reports. Vera Draguta, whose family cares for an adoptive daughter, says it was hard for everybody in the beginning. The adoption procedure lasted one year and the family was subjected to numerous tests for compatibility. “In the beginning, it was hard for both the family and our little girl, but we eventually coped with all the hardship. I'd be glad to adopt another kid, but I can't because of my health”, she said. Four years ago the Andronic family adopted three children .“It's natural and normal for a child to have parents around him and we mustn't leave them all alone”. “I wish to call on other families to adopt kids too”, says Angela Andronic. The chairwoman of the Association of Adoptive Parents, Rodica Gutu, says that the adoption procedure has simplified from previous years and the association is willing to assist anyone with the adoption. Since its inception 6 years ago, the association has helped more than one hundred parents with training and other types of assistance and contributed to the adoption of 30 children.