
Activist complains of being ‘robbed’ of pond


Activist Serghei Ciobanu says he “was robbed” of a pond he built in Nisporeni in 2016. According to Serghei Ciobanu, after someone tried to take his pond illegally through the Ungheni Court, he appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice to protect his rights.

Ciobanu told a press conference that in 2016 he leased a plot of land in Nisporeni district, where he built a ​​20-hectare, 5-meter-deep pond. A year later, someone came with a request to take the pond for irrigation purposes. Ciobanu said he accepted the proposal, but asked to be refunded for all the money invested in the pond and presented a document confirming all the expenses incurred. He claims that the person reacted negatively and promised to take his land in any case.

“Through the Ungheni Court they robbed me of the pond. I invested 10 million lei which was also borrowed from friends and from Moldovans abroad, because I thought that I would work, invest and bring the money to the country. I would pay taxes, salaries. Finally, when I arrived at the court, I presented all the documents together with the lawyer, they dragged me. We fought a lot”, said Ciobanu.

He added that after numerous actions at the Ungheni District Court, the Court of Appeal, he presented his case to the Supreme Court of Justice and is now waiting for the court’s decision.