
Accident investigation office to be created in Moldova


The Transport Accident and Incident Investigation Office will be set up in Moldova, as the Government decided on Wednesday, IPN reports.

“The mission of the Office will be to organize, conduct and coordinate technical investigation activities concerning safety in air, rail and naval transport so as to determine the causes and circumstances in which events in the transport sector occurred and to formulate safety recommendations and follow the implementation of these,” says the draft Government decision.

According to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, a number of air, rail and naval transport accidents and incidents occurred the previous years, involving planes, ships and rolling stock owned by legal entities of the Republic of Moldova or used under the colors of the Republic of Moldova. The investigation of accidents and incidents was conducted by commissions constituted by the central transport public authority or by owners of units of transport, which is against international practice.

“It is therefore necessary to create a specialized body that would be independent from any transport operator, regulatory, surveillance and certification authority and would organize the technical investigation into the safety of transport events so as to determine the causes and circumstances in which these occurred and to formulate safety recommendations for preventing similar events in the future,” noted the Ministry.

The Office will be a central administrative authority managed by the Government. It will be financed with state budget funds within the limits of the budget allocations earmarked by the annual budget law.