
About the vexation of some guys who haven’t got a clue about intercepts, about reformation without emphasis on justice and the poor quality water that Moldovans drink


IPN flow summary for November 26, 2019

On bandits’ payroll

Many materials that had to do with the interception of communications and surveillance of different persons - civic activists, journalists, opposition supporters, as it has been recently revealed by MP Chiril Moţpan, have been destroyed to get rid of the evidence. The persons who conducted the surveillance had a well-defined purpose: to detect whether the targeted persons had any activity in contravention of the law in order to hold them responsible or to distort their behavior and statements in order to make up an illegal activity which would have led to criminal prosecution.

As clear as day

Chiril Moţpan, claims that, after he made public the information that Vlad Plahotniuc has several identities in the Republic of Moldova and that the state power was used illegally against the opponents of the former regime, harsh ad hominem attacks followed with the intention to denigrate him. “Only SIS has interception equipment. MAI, CNA, the Border Police and other institutions request the support of SIS to initiate such actions”, mentioned Chiril Moțpan.

Representatives of OccupyGuguță also ask for a reply whether OccupyGuguță community members have been surveilled or not.

It is impossible to expect reformation from the successors of those who are on the Kroll list

Prime minister Ion Chicu says that the money Moldova receives from the European Union is important, but not enough for the country’s modernization plans. While the chairman of the Democratic Party, Pavel Filip, has announced that the Democrat MP Constantin Botnari will surrender his deputy mandate this week. Asked why among the PDM MPs there are still persons implicated in the banking fraud according to the Kroll Report, Pavel Filip has replied that …

Although we speak about children, it affects us all

In one quarter of the educational institutions in the country the water parameters do not comply with sanitary-chemical regulations. The most affected are the schools from Cimișlia, Ceadâr-Lunga, Ștefan-Vodă, Leova, Hâncești districts, where nitrates, fluorine, boron, hydrogen sulphide and ammonia parameters exceeded admitted levels, according to National Public Health Agency data. Most of them are connected to the centralized water supply system.

Make headway, don’t stagnate

About 11 thousand square meters of pedestrian pavement were restored in Cupcini town, Edinet district, with the support of German partners. Germany has supported the Republic of Moldova since 1993 with over 300 million euros. The purpose of this assistance is to improve people's living conditions, especially in rural areas.

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