
About the lack of national consensus, about lab meat in the future and about the second round of elections


IPN flow summary for October 28, 2019

Give a hand or push aside the one who is falling

IPN Analysis: “The main stake of the local elections continues to be the seat of the general mayor of Chișinău, because almost all other important administrative centres in the country have already been divided among the electoral competitors after the first election round and because the outcome of the ballot will determine who and how will run the country as a whole.

The current situation is virtually unprecedented. Both candidates who compete against each other in the November 3 elections are representatives of the central power, therefore, they have to solve some unprecedented tasks: on the one hand, to win the City Hall, on the other hand, not to rock too hard the national government's boat, at least for as long as both sides are willing to stay aboard.”

Heads or tails - nothing changes

Andrei Nastase: I know exactly what I have to do to get Chisinau out of the state of collapse. Ion Ceban: We will not suspend facilities, on the contrary we will augment them.

And „what is actually happening on these land plots?”

The Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Alexandru Slusari, said that the state suffered damages as a result of the lease of three lots of state owned land on Grenoble street in the capital, which  have a total surface area of 10 hectares. "I hope that the media will take over this story and will investigate what is happening on these land lots", said Alexandru Slusari.

National consensus in a state without nation

„Of course, we can point the finger at Russia, at the illegal presence of Russian Federation troops, but we cannot ignore the fact that in Chisinau either there are businessmen in power who turn the Transnistrian conflict into dirty business, or we do not have that national consensus on the basis of which to develop a consistent policy for addressing this problem”, stated Oazu Nantoi in an interview for Radio Free Europe.

Will a prayer suffice?

96% of the elevators of the municipal housing fund exceeded their expected lifespan, which is of 25 years. In 2019 the Municipal Council did not allocate financial sources for changing elevators. In previous years, about five million lei were allocated yearly.

The future has lab meat in store for us

In January-September 2019, compared to the same period of the previous year, in households of all categories there has been a decline in stock breeding and poultry farming by about 5% and in milk production - by a little over 9%, as a result of the decrease in the average number of livestock and chicken stock in households.

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