
About Pandora’s box from “prosecutors”, Tkachuk’s party of a Bright Future and Democrats’ indifference to airport


IPN flow synopsis for January 20, 2020

Lyrical mantras from “technocrats”

“The relations between Moldova and Romania do not depend on the choices made on the banks of the Dâmbovița and Bâc Rivers,” stated Premier Ion Chicu, speaking about the friendship relations between Moldova and Romania. He noted he thinks that those who use the subject of the bilateral relations for selfish electoral goals and insistently try to damage these do not have prospects. According to the same logic of things, an interruption in the cooperation with the IFM, called by the Premier “a pause”, is possible.

“Antifa” grew older and wants more!

“The Parliament restored the influence of the Democratic Party that seemed to have been shaking, strengthened the system of oligarchic government, but with another chief already – Igor Dodon,” stated the Civic Congress Common Action Party that was recently registered by the Public Services Agency. It called on the politicians, civil activists, citizens who are not indifferent to promote a correct, open and consistent campaign in favor of snap parliamentary elections.

Dissatisfaction, fatal relationship between chief and inferior

Mayor of Chisinau Ion Ceban demanded that Rodica Guțu should voluntarily resign as head of the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport given the multiple violations identified at the Division. There is dissatisfaction among managerial staff about the subjective decisions concerning the payment of bonuses to salaries. Also, a terror regime was instituted through inspections that were followed by illegal punishments.

PDM no longer wants airport back?

In a press briefing, Deputy Parliament Speaker Alexandru Slusari requested to immediately convene an extraordinary sitting of Parliament so as to examine the situation in the passenger transportation sector following the rise in fares on interurban routes. He noted that last yearend the PPPDA proposed calling an extraordinary meeting of Parliament to discuss the situation at the Chisinau International Airport, but the relevant request wasn’t supported by the PDM, in “opposition” to the PSRM.

“On spikes!”, chanted the crowd

The inspections carried out at the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases and the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office during a month revealed serious violations committed by a number of prosecutors. Among the identified violations was the starting of criminal cases in the absence of reasonable suspicions, based only on unsubstantiated reports, or in the absence of clearly determined damage, mainly in cases of abuse of power. As to the bank fraud, Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo said “the audit of the materials of criminal cases revealed multiple shortcomings, including the full ignoring of the position and statements of some of the persons (...) and the protection of others, favoring unilaterally only some of the groups of economic and political interests.”

Stoianoglo also referred to the case of financing of the Party of Socialists that was started on alleged acts of money laundering.

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