
About falling between two geopolitical stools, firewood for winter and access to an advanced medical system


IPN Flow Synopsis for November 5, 2019

If it's not one thing it's another

Political scientist Dionis Cenușa believes that the normalization of the Eurasian integration offers a "plan B" for future geopolitical (re)orientation, if the pro-Russian forces continue the political ascension in Moldova, and the EU diminishes its ambitions for transformation and integration with the Eastern Partnership. However, the strict fulfilment of European agenda and the promotion of ambitious relations with the EU can remedy and diminish the Eurasian inclinations, inspired by President Igor Dodon.


The elected mayor of the capital, Ion Ceban, was favoured by five television stations out of the ten monitored by the Center for Independent Journalism (CJI) during the period between the first and the second rounds of the general local elections: NTV, Accent, Prime, Publika, RTR Moldova. But, overall, ENEMO established that the second round for mayoral runoff elections was conducted mostly in line with the legislation and international standards..

When changing rulers is the solution

President Igor Dodon contends that changes in the Government are required as soon as possible with a view to achieving results in the economic and social areas, putting an end to the alarming crime rate increase and the dramatic reduction of citizens’ safety, advancing in the justice reform field and strengthening of political stability in the country.

Moldova’s forests as firewood 

The average sales price of firewood amounts to 607 lei / stere for the hardwoods (868 lei / m3) this year, by 27 lei more than last year. A stere of softwood costs 344 lei (491 lei / m3), cheaper by 65 lei as compared to last year.

Just one click away, and stay healthy!

Citizens will be able to make online appointments for high performance medical services by free choice of provider. This will be possible due to an information system recently launched in pilot mode by the National Insurance Company in Medicine. If the patient does not use the computer, the appointment will be made by the doctor who issued the referral ticket, by accessing the electronic page  of the system.

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