About 90 parent assistants and children from five settlements will participate in “You Build the Future” summer schools
Approximately 90 parent assistants, social workers, children from residential institutions and from biological families from five Moldovan settlements will take part in a summer school at Andries camp located in Ivancea village in Orhei district, between August 18 and 23. The school is organized from the funds collected as part of the campaign “You Build the Future” carried out by the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child in cooperation with the public organization EveryChild Moldova, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The summer school will bring together parent-educators and children from Chisinau, Orhei, Ungheni, Soroca, and Cahul. According to the Minister of Social Protection, Family and Child Galina Balmos, the summer school aims to rehabilitate and socialize the children and strengthen parent assistants’ professional capacities of taking care of children in residential institutions.
Mariana Lupascu, project manager at EveryChild, has told Info-Prim Neo that the parent assistants will be engaged in different activities. They will be taught methods and techniques of working with minors with special needs or with problematic behavior, methods of making the psychological assessment of the children and of rehabilitating them by kinetotherapy exercises. The parent assistants will be also instructed in such areas as theory of conflictology, sexual education of the child and work on the child’s life book. The activities for children will be organized in concert with volunteers.
The fundraising campaign continues. The kindhearted people can help organize the summer school by making donations in one of the three boxes located in the Metro shops in Chisinau and Balti. Money can be also donated into the account opened for this campaign: BC “Moldova – Agroindbank” SA; Branch No.11 Chisinau; account in MDL: 22511183301; fiscal code: 39568012. A number of economic entities expressed their readiness to assist in organizing an agreeable holiday for children and parents by donating food products and stationery.
The professional parent assistance (PPA) is an intermediary community social service between the institution and family that aims at preventing the institutionalization of children and at the reintegrating the children in children’s homes and boarding schools into the biological family. The PPA service was launched by EveryChild in the municipality of Chisinau late in 2000 in cooperation with the Municipal Division for Children’s Rights Protection. In 2003, it was extended into the districts of Cahul and Ungheni, in 2005 - into Orhei districts and in 2007 – into Soroca district. As many as 123 children have been placed under PPA during seven years and a half. Seventy-six out of these have been reintegrated or adopted. There were selected, trained and confirmed 63 professional parent assistants out of 534 applicants.