
About 90 business entities in Chisinau risk remaining without water


“Apa-Canal Chisinau” identified about 90 business entities that discharge wastewater with high pollutant concentrations. The company issued these with prescriptions and warned them to stop this practice or the contracts with them will be terminated, IPN reports.

In a press release, the water supplier says the analyses of the last few months showed the concentrations of admissible noxious substances are exceeded three times. The given companies should review the technological process and should stop discharging wastewater with high pollutant concentrations.

The supplier reminds that a contract to rehabilitate the Wastewater Treatment Plant and to build a new sludge treatment line started to be implemented at the beginning of this year. In accordance with the contract, the contractor at the start of May took and analyzed samples of wastewater at the entrance to the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The program to develop water supply services in Chisinau municipality is financed with the loans provided by the EIB and EBRD and with an investment grant offered through the EU’s Neighborhood Investment Facility.