
About 3.3m voters put on State Register of Voters


The number of voters on the State Register of Voters on September 2, 2020 totaled 3,290,312. The largest figures of voters are in Chisinau – 638,011, Bălți – 102,971, Orhei – 99,607 and Hâncești - 98,851, IPN reports.

In a press release, the CEC said 2,810,689 of all the voters form part of territorial-administrative units of the second level.

The difference represents the persons with Moldovan nationality without registered domicile or residence, including those who emigrated legality, (230,384), and persons with the right to vote residing in territorial-administrative units of the Transnistrian region, which are temporarily outside the sovereign control of the Moldovan constitutional authorities (249,239).